Posted by: smithy | November 3, 2008

The Big Brobama: Socialist Change We Can Believe In!

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without ever knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas, presidential nominee of the Socialist Party of America in every election from 1928 to 1948.

The truth: Anyone who pays taxes will eventually pay more taxes under a Federal Government run by a President Obama and a Democratic Congress. The last Democratic president who was a genuine tax cutter was JFK in the early 1960’s. The reason is simple: JFK was the last Democratic president who didn’t believe in a huge expansion of government spending on social programs. Since LBJ and “The Great Society” (I call it New Deal version 1.5), the domestic policy of every Democratic president has been to greatly increase spending on social programs. If you’re wondering about Bill Clinton, his health care reform proposal was a massive expansion of government spending and control. It was such a financial and bureaucratic nightmare that it failed to pass a Democratic Congress that was committed to enacting health care reform! After the election of a Republican Congress in 1994, Bill Clinton decided that the best he could do was act as a brake on the Republicans. Unfortunately, George Bush’s domestic policy has tried to be both Republican (tax cuts) and Democratic (big increases in social spending — think of Bush’s Medicare prescription drug benefit) at the same time. George Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” has in practice more in common with Democratic spending policies than traditional Republican policies. Given our already big deficits, a President Obama won’t be able to massively increase spending — as he wants to do — without raising taxes on all taxpayers: “the rich” simply don’t have the kind of money that he needs for his programs.

As the videos below show, Obama will redefine rich to get whatever revenue is necessary to fund his agenda.

Vodpod videos no longer available.Hot Air » Video: Selfishness 101, posted with vodpod

The next one is actually my favorite of the bunch. Obama in 2003 defined as worthy of a tax cut — which he’s said at other times should go only to the middle class — as below 70K. So, Obama’s definition of middle class in 2003 was below 70K. What changed between 2003 and now? How long before Obama changes back to the 2003 definition, or decides to raise taxes on even lower incomes? Also, notice that in this video Obama only talks about government spending as being important. The idea of growing the economy first, and the government living within what the economy can provide isn’t in Obama’s thinking. Government über alles!

From Hot Air

More analysis or commentary can be found at Obama Floats Social Security Tax Hike; Seems fair to me!; Barack Obama calls me selfish; Change We Can Believe In?; Middle class topped out at 70K in 2003, according to Obama; It’s like the limbo rock, only with your money; and Obama’s new attack on those who don’t want higher taxes: “Selfishness.” And let’s not forget Joe Biden’s comment that low taxes are unpatriotic.

Paying high taxes is bad enough, but how do you feel about high prices deliberately created by government taxes in order to control your behavior? In a 2007 interview on Iowa Public TV, Barack Obama calls for creating “price signals” — a codeword for high prices caused by government taxes — so that middle class consumers will “change their behavior.” Now that’s socialism I can believe in!

From Little Green Footballs

You might be wondering what Obama supporters think of all this. I believe that Peggy, in the following video, speaks for many Obama supporters who are having financial difficulties, and who share her hopes: “If I help him, he’ll help me.” While I have sympathy for her struggles, I wonder how many Americans want to be taxed to pay for her gas and mortgage.

Peggy’s Dream

What I think of all this can be summarized in the next video and the cartoon that follows:

Big Brobama via RedSate


The cartoon that follows is from Tanja Stark’s Poligoths site. I think it’s her best, although I also like her Putin and Saddam.


Submit to the dark side.


BTW, this cartoon reminds me of a post that I did in late August called There’s A Secret Vampire Conspiracy Among Us. That post gets more relevant every day. Well, what do we do? First, there’s always a video by Zo to cheer us up. (Although I haven’t listened to it yet, Fausta did a podcast (click here) with Zo on Sunday, Nov. 2.)

1 More B4 11 04

Second, read LEAK: Obama Concession Draft Admits He’s Unfit, and remember that Obama is unfit to be president. Then contribute to the McCain/Palin campaign in whatever way possible. Finally, I’ll end with the closing from There’s A Secret Vampire Conspiracy Among Us.

Vote Republican in ‘08
Save Our Country from Bloodsucking Socialism
Vote Socialist Vampire in ‘08
Elitist Liberals (Socialist Vampires) Have Rights Too!


  1. I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!

  2. Nice Site layout for your blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

    Tom Humes

  3. I know when I voted, I didn’t fully understand, but after I voted, I realized that I had made a decision that didn’t support a strong America. When I voted, I realized I voted for someone who would “do it for me” where I don’t have to be responsible for myself. After I made that decision, I now know that I didn’t make a decision based on creating a strong America.

    I want a candidate in office that will support me being an entrepreneur, which is what this country was founded on. This country is not about having the government being responsible for you, its about being an entrepreneur and having that self reliant spirit. And that was what this country was founded on. I don’t agree with everything McCain does, and how he campaigned, but he does know a little bit more about being an American and what it means to be an entrepreneur. And that is what this country needs right now, just a little bit more of that. So if you haven’t voted yet, vote for the candidate who will support us in being responsible for ourselves. This country does depend on it.

  4. […] The Big Brobama: Socialist Change We Can Believe In! The truth: Anyone who pays taxes will eventually pay more taxes under a Federal Government run by a President Obama and a Democratic Congress. The last Democratic president who was a genuine tax cutter was JFK in the early 1960’s. The reason is simple: JFK was the last Democratic president who didn’t believe in a huge expansion of government spending on social programs. Since LBJ and “The Great Society” (I call it New Deal version 1.5), the domestic policy of every Democratic president has been to greatly increase spending on social programs. If you’re wondering about Bill Clinton, his health care reform proposal was a massive expansion of government spending and control. It was such a financial and bureaucratic nightmare that it failed to pass a Democratic Congress that was committed to enacting health care reform! After the election of a Republican Congress in 1994, Bill Clinton decided that the best he could do was act as a brake on the Republicans. Unfortunately, George Bush’s domestic policy has tried to be both Republican (tax cuts) and Democratic (big increases in social spending — think of Bush’s Medicare prescription drug benefit) at the same time. George Bush’s “compassionate conservatism” has […] […]



  6. Hi! I appreciate your comment, and I read the article that you link to. I think that a better word than mentor to describe Ayers’ relationship to Obama is sponsor. In Chicago politics, just like in the mob, you have to be sponsored by someone already in the system. Ayres, Wright, Pfleger, and who knows who else, were Obama’s sponsors in Chicago politics. He couldn’t have gotten into the Chicago political system without their help. While I didn’t go into as much detail as you do — and your post is well worth reading just to show just how many times Obama has lied about this — I did write about this in my post, Obama’s Chicago Way. Thanks again for a good response.

  7. I’m thrilled I see this after the election. As a big Obama supporter, I’m just relieved this election is over. I found humor in this site. AND I love the reference to Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, even if I am one of those liberal loving socialist voting people.

  8. Thank you LT for visiting my site and leaving a nice comment. I find it more interesting and enjoyable to write posts that contain at least a little humor. If you’re ever interested in sites that are humorous or satirical from a conservative point of view, I suggest for pure humor the cartoons of Michael Ramirez, while Jim Treacher, IOWAHAWK, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, or even Moonbattery will mix conservative analysis with humor, satire, videos and some cartoons. I should warn you that while I do use the videos and cartoons from Moonbattery fairly often, the site is harshly critical of your political point of view. If you’re interested in something closer to your own point of view, the best PUMA site I know is NO QUARTER, which has good political analysis, videos and cartoons, some questionable economics (from my point of view), and some anti-Obama but-mildly-disturbing Hillary Clinton idolatry.

    As to your being glad that Obama won and it’s all over, I feel a need to tell you that the real party hasn’t even begun yet. Obama campaigned as a moderate left-of-center politician, but I think he’s much more radical and ambitious than that. Perhaps you’d agree with me on that, perhaps not. Conservatives have lost a major election, but we’re willing to peacefully fight for the kind of country we believe in. We might not win under the current circumstances, but, just like the PUMAs, we won’t be silent. BTW, if you think that I’m a conservative because I can’t understand your point of view, please read my first post, My Political Journey Started…

    If I was your age, I’d be concerned about being drafted into Obama’s Civilian National Security Force. As I pointed out in It’s Funny Friday, November 14, 2008, at best this is Obama’s old community organizing on steroids, and at worst it’s Obama’s attempts to force Leftist indoctrination on young people — like he did when he was the head of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and build a private army. Now what would an American politician want with a private army? Doesn’t that worry you?

    My biggest worry is that all those who claim that Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are correct (see also here, here, and here). (Also worth remembering is that many dictators have tried to create or inspire a cult of personality as a totalitarian tool, just like Obama has been doing with the help of the media.) If you think that it’s not possible for Obama to have NPD, please read Part I and see the references in Part III of Obama’s Chicago Way. You’ll find that whether he has a personality disorder or not, Obama has a long history of using unethical, if not illegal, campaign tactics against political opponents, which at a minimum means that he doesn’t believe in fair play or democracy. Under President, maybe Comrade Obama, while you’ll get out before I will, we’ll see which one of us gets sent to the re-education camp first.

    Take good care of yourself. Feel free to visit my site at any time and make whatever comments you want, as long as they’re on topic and contain no foul language. Have a good day.

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